Brand New 

International Studios mobile

One Smartphone for professional Filmproduction

Shoot and cut your Videos in incredible 4K TV- and Broadcastquality on your Smartphone thanks the professional cinema knowledge of International Studios. process requirements are an iPhone 11 Pro and the software package of International Studios for Smartphone Productions and the international Studios technical Process for Smartphone Productions.

Create your own Shows in Minutes

your smartphone is your studio

No preparation, no filming permit, no extern micro, no effort. Pimp you iPhone 11 Pro with the knowledge of International Studios to make your own shows in minutes. The only thing you need is your own story.
Created in one hour

Complete Postproduction via your Smartphone

 Cuttingroom in your pocket

Cut your self-made films directly with the appropriate music and special effects as well as narrator voices and the best film music in Hollywood quality. Everything on the iPhone and iPad.

Learn the right Process-Settings

Knowledge is the power

We have been developing technologies and knowledge for the film industry for more than 20 years. All this knowledge now flows into iStudios Mobile and gives you the knowledge you need to produce films in Hollywood quality on your smartphone.

Learn from the Best

An extensive training course from our film professionals enables you to get the best results right from the start

from 99EUR/mth

Coming soon

One Smartphone for professional filmproductions

Stay up to date and get informed when the first versions will be delivered.

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